What is Abuse?
Abuse is when someone who is supposed to care about us threatens our
health and/or well being. No one has the right to hurt you and you have the
right to be free from abuse. It's not your fault, and you did not cause the
abuse. Anyone can be a victim of abuse, regardless of ethnic background,
age, gender, sexual orientation, disabilities, religion, marital, financial or
employment status.
Intimate partner violence can include physical, psychological, emotional,
verbal, financial, sexual, and spiritual abuse; excessive jealousy and control;
sexual assault; harassment after separation; and murder.
The following are some of the signs of abuse:
Ignoring or minimizing your feelings
Constantly criticizing, insulting and calling you names
Corrupting, exploiting or terrorizing behaviors
Humiliating you in public or private
Refusing to help you when you are sick or injured
Controlling all the money, vehicle or phone
Secretive behavior regarding shared finances
Not taking responsibility for shared expenses
Locking you out of your home
Isolating you from your family, friends, work and community support
Harming or destroying pets or livestock
Controlling where you go and what you do
Endangering you while in a vehicle
Checking up on you constantly
Blaming you for the abuse that occurs
Playing mind games
Forcing you to practice rituals/beliefs against your will
Threatening to: hurt you, take your children, harm your family, and hurt you with a weapon
Pushing, shoving, throwing objects at you
Destruction of property​
Hitting, choking, punching, biting, slapping, kicking you
Any form of sexual contact, exploitation, and/or sexual activity that is unwanted
What is the Cycle of Abuse?
Abuse is not a one-time incident; it usually follows a definite cycle.
Phase One - The Tension Building:
verbal attacks, put-downs, and minor battering occur
tension and anticipation
the feeling of "walking on eggshells"
Phase Two - The Explosion:
tensions erupt into violence
the abuser is likely to sexually assault, injure or kill
Phase Three - The Denial:
abuser blames the partner for the incident that happened
excuses are made ("If only she didn't . . . ")
the abuser minimizes what they did
Phase Four - The Calm:
after the incident, the partner becomes extremely loving, kind and sorry for what he did
begging forgiveness, promising it will never happen again
guilt is felt by both partners
The cycle can cover a long or short period of time. The violence usually gets worse. The "Calm" phase, then the "Denial" phase will eventually disappear.