Southwest Safe Shelter is a safe place to stay for women and children who are escaping an abusive situation. All services are at no cost.
We provide:
a confidential, comfortable, secure, home-like environment
24 hour staff available to provide support, information and referrals
practical assistance
comfort items for your stay, including toiletries, food, bedding, and clothing
Animal Safekeeping Program - a partnership between the Swift Current SPCA and SWCS. This program temporarily places pets with anonymous families while their owners are staying in the shelter. Animal foster families undergo security checks, training and are supported by the SPCA . Please contact the shelter for more information.
Contact SWCS at (306) 778-3386
Frequently Asked Questions
Who can stay at Southwest Safe Shelter?
Women and children experiencing abuse, escaping an abusive situation or who may be at risk of experiencing abuse.
Do I need a referral?
No, you do not need an outside referral, you can contact us yourself. Referrals are accepted as well.
What if I have no way to get there?
Emergency transportation may be provided, we will support you.
What if the Shelter is full?
If the Southwest Safe Shelter is full, we will place your name on a waiting list. If you are in immediate need, we will refer you to the closest shelter that has available space or connect you to another resource.
Do I have to pay to stay?
No, you do not. You will also receive meals, support, emergency clothing and toiletries at no cost to you.
Will people know I am staying at the Shelter?
No. Information about the women and children who reside in the shelter is confidential.
How long can I stay?
An average stay is approximately 6 weeks.
What is the Shelter like?
Southwest Safe Shelter looks very much like the other homes around it. It is a five bedroom house with a kitchen, dining room and a family room. There is a back yard and play area for children. The security features of the house ensure the comfort and safety of families.
What will happen when I get there?
When you arrive, support staff will welcome you and conduct a short interview. You will be asked to give a brief summary of your situation, any important medical conditions, emergency contact numbers, abuser description. You will be offered a tour of the house, a meal; we will strive to help you feel as comfortable as possible.
Will I be able to continue at my job and have my children at school?
Yes, as long as you feel safe doing so. The shelter staff will help you make the arrangements.
What should I bring with me?
If possible, please bring all important identification and papers for yourself and your children.
What about my pets or livestock?
Check out the ASK Program here.